Top 5 tips for Successful planning

3 min readAug 30, 2021


These can be a win-win for your people and your business if you follow them for long enough

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As per Wikipedia Successful planning is a “process for identifying and developing new leaders who can replace old leaders when they leave, retire or die”.

According to Economic times “ Succession planning is a process by which individuals are scanned to pass on the leadership role within a company. The process ensures that business continues to operate efficiently without the presence of people who were holding key positions as they must have retired, resigned, etc.” Ultimately, that’s what it is all about. Building a succession planning process or framework is about mitigating organizational shifts. This way, when a change at the very top occurs, the friction between departments, teams, and employee is as smooth as possible, because there is no longer a ‘vacuum’ of institutional knowledge.

Here we bring out 5 tips which you must have for successful planning. Let’s discuss them all one-by-one-

1. Always ready with Plan B

As your company is working brilliant performance so you have to always keep in mind that if any employ left the company on of sudden so how you will fill that gap without damaging the workflow. Most of the growing or fully developed company have faced this issue.

Action plans-

· In employees’ contract include details of how much notice you will need from the employee.

· Including a clause in the contract that will deter the employee from leaving without notice.

2. Employee’s progression rate

You have to regularly analyze you company members growth rate like how they are performing, growing and if there is any X position available then who will fit into that position.

Ask yourself these questions : -

· Who is at the age of retirement?

· Who is expecting employee?

· Who is regularly failing to meet project’ deadline?

That’s how you can also take a top-down approach in this step, and plan for your entire company’s succession plan.

3. Training or Mentoring

It’s important to consider the development roadmap for the position you hired a employee. Decide which skills are key and what you can compromise on. Creating room for training and mentoring allows the new individual to bring in their own individuality and creativity to the role.

Schedule mentoring program that allows higher authority to help your employees into future position in an effective strategy. Mentor always lighten them to improve their leadership skills. This practice connects employees across departments.

Ask yourself :-

· Which employee need training or mentoring?

· Which are the areas where Newbie are lacking?

4. Always have room for change

This is the most crucial part of successful planning. You cannot compare two employees together; everyone has their own forte. Some employee takes more time in training program which is totally OKAY. This is why we emphasize starting succession planning early, as it enables you to create an adaptable plan that acknowledges that businesses change, team sizes can grow and shrink, as can employee responsibilities.

5. Have a trial run of your succession plan

Annual leave is a great time to have a potential successor step in to assume some new responsibilities. The employee will gain experience while you learn how prepared the person is to take on a bigger role.




Written by Wearclever

Wearclever is here on Medium to help those who are interested to build their career in E-commerce.

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