Importance of SOCIAL MEDIA for business and Start-ups
The cornerstone of every successful start-up and the launch of the company is actually a great and carefully thought out social media strategy. We can’t escape the fact that social media isn’t just for fun anymore. For the longest time, companies have seen the potential of social media platforms and used it to their advantage.
“Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” — Dave Willis, Author and Speaker
What Is Social Media Used for?
- Social media is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities.
- The largest social media networks include Facebook, Instagram,
- Social media typically features user-generated content and personalized profiles.
- By 2023, the number of social media users in the United States is forecast to increase to approximately 257 million.
Benefits of Social Media for Business
1/ Communication and Customization
Your company can communicate with customers through social media accounts, responding to the most frequently asked questions and resolving their concerns.
In other words, businesses collect data on their audience’s interests, demographics, and behavior to create more relevant and valuable content.This is becoming increasingly important as people have content coming at them from every direction. If you want any chance to stand out, you’ll have to add some personalization.
A study by University of Texas showed that personalization helps you reach consumers in two ways:
1. Personalized content makes consumers feel that they have some control over what they wish to see.
2. It saves them from information overload.
2/ Networking-
Social networking involves the development and maintenance of personal and business relationships using technology. This is done through the use of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These sites allow people and corporations to connect with one another so they can develop relationships and so they can share information, ideas, and messages.
3/ Visibility -
One of the most significant social media advantages is the fact that your brand or your product gets higher visibility.
Long-time fans of social media know that certain content is more shareable, and thus, more likely to increase brand visibility. You can capitalize on your existing blog post to make content that has a much greater chance of improving your brand visibility.
“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is — it is what consumers tell each other it is.” — Scott Cook, Co-Founder of Intuit
4/ Feedback-
It gives you a stage to billions of people who could become your future customers, so you need to give them a reason to use your business! … By encouraging customers to review on your social media platforms, you can begin to create a community around your brand, establishing the trust and reliability of your brand.
Develop valuable content, an attractive story and start building your audience. This millennium is all about quick and efficient communication, and selling and advertising on social media is an important part of any business strategy.